Reflexology Training
Andrea Pavlovicova
Brussels, Belgium
I have been going through a requalification process and have been trained to become a Reflexologist at the London School of Reflexology. Even leaving in Brussels I have decided to study in London, due to the excellent reputation the school has in Europe and England.
This was a life changes experience thanks to many reasons. Foremost gaining a new skill is a stimulating & motivating experience. What I could not assume upfront, was how will the course affect me personally and how it will open for me new horizons of better self-understanding and self-reflexion.
The school principal Ms. Louise Keet, puts a big importance and pressure behind the holistic approach towards studying reflexology. Her way of teaching is a great balance of learning & fine-tuning practical skills as well as understanding the complexity of human body and its processes.
She is not only a great teacher but she is also very inspirational coach, who has personal approach towards students and their specific issues.
Going throughout the studying I not only fell in love with reflexology but also I came to know myself better and learn how important it is to set up boundaries for having a more happy & healthy life.
With my head & heart in the sky and with my feet in the ground I wish you all who’s life journeys brings you to London School of Reflexology lot of success & fun & happiness in studying reflexology"
​Ashtar Selby
For anyone passionate about helping others through reflexology, I can highly recommend Louise Keet as a tutor. Having had the good fortune to train under her at the London School of Reflexology, I can safely say that the training is rigorous and focused on creating meaningful engagement with clients. Louise is herself a consummate professional and this approach to holistic therapy definitely rubs off.
Maciej Sędłak
London School of Reflexology was my best choice I have made since I arrived in London seven years ago. This course taught me a great deal about reflexology technics, human body, its function, customer interaction and how to start my own business! With my low self-esteem this course helped me to get my confidence back and improved my communication skills. If anything, this course led by very knowledgeable Louise Keet has transformed my life. Thank you for that Louise!
Barnes Reflexology
I am about to qualify at the London School of Reflexology and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. The teacher Louise Keet has a wealth of knowledge and experience, which we are and will be able to benefit from throughout our studies and our future reflexology careers. The course not only provided us with a thorough practical knowledge of the all important techniques and sequence of providing reflexology, but consisted of an important business unit too, as well as a study of the anatomy, physiology and pathology of all body systems, with further research on a wide range of common and less common pathologies and the reflexology aspects of these pathologies. Furthermore, the location is beautiful, the atmosphere in class is great and so is the relationship between teacher and pupils and within the group of pupils. I would definitely recommend if you consider taking a professional reflexology course.
Silvia Stitova
I successfully completed my Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology with the London School of Reflexology. I really enjoyed studying there. Louise Keet is an absolutely fantastic and inspirational tutor, and I had always been encouraged to believe in myself and what I can achieve if I put my mind to it. The camaraderie and atmosphere in the class was uplifting, and we all supported each other throughout the course. I cannot thank Louise Keet enough. It was an amazing experience for me and much more than I imagined in a course. Thank you, Louise.
Alex Bottomley
Amazing course !! Learnt so much and it enabled me to have the confidence to build my business so that I was ready to jump straight into work as soon as I qualified. Would highly recommend !
Nancy Crawford
I completed my Level 3 Diploma recently and have nothing but high praise for the course and the tutor Louise Keet. Not only is Louise extremely knowledgeable and skilled, but she is inspiring and thoughtful in her approach to teaching. I would thoroughly recommend this course to anyone thinking of learning Reflexology.
Janine Blair
The London school of Reflexology is excellent it is well structured and has enabled me to build a successful business Louise Keet is an excellent teacher she has given me so much confidence and Reflexology has transformed my life. Thank you Louise!