Cranial Reflexology Bergman Method
Choose to train on ZOOM or IN-PERSON (2 Days)
Offer £233 for a limited time
For all new dates and to register https://www.zonefacelift.com/cpd
Contact Ziggie Bergman on 07429 441124 or ziggie@zonefacelift.com for any training questions.
What is it?
Cranial Reflexology Bergman Method is unique in the genre and is the only Cranial Reflexology method which uses underpinning reflexology-specific knowledge and skills, along with the 10 Zones of the body. It also considers all three theories for the ‘breathing inhale and exhale’ of fluids which pulsate when you are working on the head surrounding the brain. The sequences are applied to the cranial area at the top, sides and back of the head.
“Superb training today, I had no idea it would be that powerful, got the best reaction to the Cranial Reflexology treatment from my client in 30+ years as a reflexologist. I am totally inspired.”
Sarah B. Reflexologist
Drawing from shamanic and somatic bodywork as well as tapping, this style can be firm enough to shift stuck fascia through strong massage techniques, and yet gentle, when this quietness lends to the flow. A key element of this training is ‘feeling’ fluids and movement ebb and flow and interpreting this.
Stress deteriorates body processes, and this can have a profound effect on all body systems. These skills and techniques you will learn on Cranial Reflexology aims to attract and develop your client base to make you stand out in your field as well as help your clients.
You will be working to help release the accumulated stress and pressures on the cranial area we build up because of trauma which can manifest in your client emotionally, physically, or spiritually. The treatment can help relieve tension through the fascial clearance supporting better body ecology and helping your clients achieve their health goals and manage symptoms that are affecting their quality of life.
Cranial Reflexology Bergman Method is profound and brings a deeper exploration, layering of healing and insight from 30+ years of practice.
Bonus: Newborn Baby protocol
Gently balancing the Cranial Rhythm and Suture Rubbing is especially beneficial for Newborn Babies, as most will enter the world headfirst and considering the pressure and force on the baby’s head and in some cases shock from a caesarean birth. You will learn to use the skills on the course to aim to attune and align as well as suture rubbing that helps to settle and calm a little one who is unsettled after birth. The holding helps a baby relax and work towards the release of the tightly held stress response that can cause many symptoms. These effective skills will help supports babies to feel heard and helps to unwind any birth trauma, aiming for them to feel more settled and calmer.
You will be working with these precise skills for excellent results with colic, constipation or loose stool, reflux, latch on issues, and excessive unexplained crying.
The techniques used for babies are feather light and gentle and parents participate, hold, play or feed baby during the treatment where necessary and you will learn how to manage time for baby sessions.
Eligibility: Open to all professional reflexologists, massage, and beauty therapists.

A groundbreaking innovation in Cranial Therapy unlike any other!
You will learn to palpate the cranial rhythm, a 25 min and full 50-min treatment + bonus newborn baby protocol
What is it?