Reflexology Training
You will be taught an holistic approach to Reflexology and therefore you can be better informed to make educated choices about the impact diet and lifestyle can make on health. During your course we will discuss a wide range of foods, cooking methods, products, chemicals and environmental factors around us and their potential impact on our health along with practical ways to protect ourselves.
We can never underestimate the influence that our diet has on our health. If someone came up with a pill to protect us from disease we would all take it, however, most people find it difficult to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.
We will teach you help to support your Reflexology skills with lifestyle, diet and nutrition within a range of practical and stimulating topics. For example, we consider the influences synthetic oestrogens have on falling fertility rates, and how diet, lifestyle and Reflexology can increase a couple's chance of conceiving. We will learn how a range of conditions can be helped with everyday foods - e.g. if a client with cystitis eats blueberries or cranberries it can prevent bacteria from staying on the lining of the bladder.
Did you know tomatoes can help prevent prostate problems and celery can help reduce high blood pressure?
We are surrounded by everyday items that we assume will not affect our health but often it does and maybe responsible for that ‘straw that breaks the camel's back’ Incredibly, the World Health Organization estimates that around 1.6 million people are killed by indoor pollutants which leads us to consider how we make simple lifestyle changes to help change the quality of life for an asthmatic.
Around one third of cleaning, air freshener and laundry products contain at least one chemical that is known to cause cancer (Environ Impact Assess Rev, 2010). Researchers at the University of Washington, Seattle, discovered in an analysis of 25 household cleaning products that each contained an average of 17 different chemicals which are classified from toxic, hazardous to carcinogenic. Manufacturers are not required to list all chemicals used as the formula for the product is protected.
We have more control of our home environment however how do we help someone whose office may have high levels of these chemicals. There is a way to remove 90 per cent of the dangerous air pollutants in your office or home. Researchers have discovered that scattering potted plants throughout the office or home can eliminate most volatile organic compounds which are emitted from airborne pollutants, solvents, varnishes, paints and building materials. The best plants to use are the English ivy or common red flame ivy, purple waffle plant and the Sprenger's asparagus fern. (HortScience, 2009)
Knowledge is power and using it wisely can make a difference to the quality of life for ourselves, our clients, and the ones we love.
Certificate in Healthy eating and wellbeing for the Complementary Therapies Client
To support your developing knowledge in healthy eating and wellbeing and to be able to offer your clients informed suggestions to help improve their health, we are one of the very few schools to offer this subject as an individual Level 3 unit to complement your Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology. You have the option to take this unit during your studies or after your studies as a graduate of our school; this will help give you the edge to increase your client-base and offer an even better service to clients.
The course will cover foods that heal and foods that harm; we look at diets that help reduce symptoms for common ailments; suggestions on how to help your clients to become healthier and happier; functions of vitamins, minerals and nutrients and their best sources; the impact of nutritional deficiencies on your mind and body; how processed foods affect health and body systems; environmental pollutants and pesticides and the potential damage they have on our hormones and nervous system; the best ways of cooking to preserve vitamins and nutrients; how diet and lifestyle impacts on our metabolism; what we can do to help regulate our body's energy; what to look out for when reading food labels; and practical suggestions for optimum health, weight and well-being.
​Our QCF Level 3 Award in Healthy Eating and Wellbeing for the Complementary client is a government approved qualification and accredited by the Qualifications and Credit Framework and only available to our students.