Spinal Reflexology
This year’s course will help you understand the lasting effects of Long Covid.
Our next course will be held by Louise Keet, author of the Reflexology Bible and Hand Reflexology, live on Zoom on: Thursday 3rd April or Friday 15th August
9.30 am - 3.30 pm | Cost: £130
This powerful form of reflexology is based on stimulating the spinal nerve root reflexes on the feet. You will be taught techniques to energize effectively each individual vertebra and this will help to identify nerve roots out of balance. A nerve root exits through the vertebrae to reach specific organs and muscles. By using spinal reflexology you will learn to recognize the organs in the body that are not functioning correctly. Often, clients will feel sensitivity in the spine but have no association with back problems; spinal reflexology can help identify what reflexes are really out of balance. Conversely, back problems can inhibit the proper functioning of the organs if nerve roots are compressed. With spinal reflexology you can work on the spinal reflexes and help to correct imbalances in parts, organs and systems of the body. You will learn a new original and very effective way of treating your clients.
You will be able to work the spine and recognise which specific organs of the body are not functioning effectively for your client. The course will help you understand the spine and its functions better and recognise why clients often have such sensitive reactions when treating the spinal column.
We will perfect your techniques for the spine and you will learn how to stimulate each vertebra to an advanced level with new confidence.
Did you realize you can identify and help adrenal overload or depression through spinal reflex Thoracic nine? Thoracic nine is the nerve root that is associated with the adrenal glands. By working on the adrenal reflexes and Thoracic nine you can create a far more effective treatment and have a better outcome for your client.
You can use Spinal Reflexology to help fertility issues by working the nerve root from Lumbar 3 which innervates the reproductive system.
This fascinating and unique practical day course will enable you to support the body ecology by accessing through the spinal reflexes.
You will also learn how to add this new technique to your current sequence to help give a more effective outcome to your treatments and be able to help your clients on a deeper level. Sometimes a client’s health may improve after many treatments. Spinal reflexology supports the direct reflex as well as their respective peripheral nerve roots helping to achieve a better outcome. Spinal Reflexology aims to identify weak areas in the body.
You will be taught; how to create shorter and specific-Spinal reflexology Sequence Protocols to help you plan bespoke spinal reflexology treatments that are designed for individual clients to help achieve positive results.