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Terms and Conditions

Course Dates


The course and centrally set assessments generally last for ten months, with class dates on Saturdays and/or Sundays. Hours of attendance are generally from 9.15am am to approximately 5.15pm. Tutors are available on request in the mornings for one to one tutorials and assistance.



Course Fees


The course fee is £1695, which includes your course material. The non-refundable deposit at the time of booking is £195 and the remaining payable amount is £1500 payable no later than three weeks before your course date for acceptance onto the course. Course work and treatment records are continuously assessed during the course. There is a non-refundable assessment and exam fee of £290, and a mandatory level 2 infection prevention award exam fee which is payable at session four.  


For the most up-to-date course fee, please refer to the course registration form.



Centre Policies and Procedures 


Registration Policy 


1. To register individual learners within an agreed timescale within the awarding body requirements 

2. To claim valid learner certificates within an agreed timescale 

3. In order that individual learner registration and certification claims can be tracked we will create an accurate, accessible and secure audit trail 

4. make each learner aware of their registration status 

5. inform the awarding body of withdrawals, transfers or changes to learner details 

6. provide registrations for teams to check the accuracy of learner registrations



Learning Barriers/Disabilities 


7. If you have learning barriers or disabilities the school would need evidence documentation of your learning barrier/disability, and we will submit this documentation to our awarding body. If you inform us in writing when registering for your examination that you have a learning difficulty such as dyslexia, we can request 25% extra time for any written exams that you might take. We will ask you to complete an enrolment form when joining us which asks to specify any learning barriers/disabilities so we can make sure we offer you appropriate support. Learners are expected to complete and submit course work as and when required in order to complete the course and the school is not responsible for students not submitting work for any reason or not attending classes on any teaching platform for any reason. Learners are expected to take responsible to their own self-study in-between sessions the school cannot be held responsible for this.



Certification Policy 


The London School of Reflexology will: 


8. make direct claims for certificates to the awarding body at the appropriate times and make sure internally verified assessment records are completed for each cohort to make the certificate claims 

9. check for accuracy and deliver on request the certificates received from the awarding body and keep all records safely and securely for three years post certification.

10. The school does not issue separate anatomy and physiology certificates and is not required if the level 3 diploma in Reflexology is not successfully completed within six months from your enrolled course examination.

11.  The school will only help replace lost certificates with its current awarding body which is ITEC. Unfortunately, we will not be able to replace lost certificates from other awarding bodies.  


This policy will be reviewed every 10 months by the Principal. 



London School of Reflexology Statement of General Health and Safety Policy 



to maintain safe and healthy working conditions 

to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health 

to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities 

to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety

to provide and maintain safe equipment and to ensure the safe handling and use of substances 

to provide information, instruction and supervision for employees

to adapt sessions in the interest of safety to the staff and students
to adapt teaching platforms in the interest of safety to staff and students 

to ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training 


This policy will be reviewed every 12 months.


  • Acceptance on the course is at the discretion of the Principal. 

  • By enrolling onto the course you agree to these terms and conditions

  • We reserve the right to change dates, locations and, prior to the start date, cancel a course and to alter the teaching schedule.

  • If you cannot attend a session, you will be required to attend a substitute however, there will be a charge of seventy pounds.  There is a maximum of three replacement dates offered subject to availability before your exam date which you will be required to attend to continue your studies.

  • If a student misses more than two sessions and where possible offered replacement dates for sessions and does not attend the offered dates they will forfeit their place on the course.

  • The London School of Reflexology, ITEC and the Association of Reflexologists expect commitment to study, to meet learning criteria and high standards required as a reflexologist.   

  • Our level 3 diploma in Reflexology includes the anatomy and physiology and the anatomy and physiology cannot be taken as a separate or independent unit.

  • Cancellations should be submitted by letter and must be received at least 30 days before the start of the course, the deposit is non-refundable. Cancellations will not be accepted after 30 days before the start of the course and full payment will remain payable.

  • If you choose to reschedule your exam to a date after six weeks of your original date without prior agreement in the first three months of the course you will be required to attend and pe-pay for four additional sessions to make sure your standards will be to the required exam level.

  • We do not offer group transfers or to change to another group once you have started your course and you are expected to continue with the group you have started with. Not attending scheduled or given course dates or not completing the required course work on time is a student responsibility and not the schools responsibility in any way.

  • The school shall not be liable under the/this agreement in respect of any of the following: a) Any indirect or consequential loss (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any economic loss) resulting from breach of contract, negligence or any other tort on the part of the school or any of its officers, employees or agents, and b) The termination of this agreement in accordance with its terms c) Any failure in its performance of this agreement (including but not limited to failure of provision of the service/lessons/whatever..) caused by events outside its reasonable control " 

  • Your examinations are set when you enrol onto the course and with your group's start date. Changes to your scheduled exam will incur a fee of £40.

  • You have to attend your assessment sessions during the course. You are required to learn the sequence to pass the assessment and be put into the exam. 

  • Students must complete the course work by their exam date and any extensions would incur a late assessment fee.

  • We have excellent examination records with many students achieving merits and above. This is because our students are expected to self-study throughout the course for practical learning, projects and the anatomy and physiology exam

  •  You are required to complete and submit course work throughout the course and learn reflexology sequences in order to complete and pass the examinations. The school cannot be held responsible for not submitting or completing course work.

  • No refunds can be given on deposits, exam fees and course fees, or for sessions unattended for whatever reason.

  • Your commitment to studies is important as you want to be the best so you are expected to learn the reflexology sequence in-between sessions so we can develop skills and techniques in each class. You do not need to have anyone to practice the sequence on to learn the routine and can include reading, memorizing, practicing on someone, practicing on plastic feet or alternative, practicing in the air, drawing etc.

  • Students are required to immediately during the session to inform the tutor if they find any aspect of the practical sessions sensitive. The student accepts all responsibility for the pressure used on them during treatments by a member of staff of by a fellow student. 

  • LSR and its staff cannot be held responsible for any reactions caused by a reflexology treatment given by a member of staff or a student 

  • The London School of Reflexology is not responsible for any loss of personal possessions

  • Our in person practical training hours will comprise of on campus teaching and Zoom when we are restricted because of government guidelines.

  • You will require access to the internet, use of an email address and to print paperwork for projects if asked, case studies and treatment records. You are required to have access to a computer for examinations.

  • We do not transfer learners from ABC to ITEC courses or qualifications. The time extension limit to submit outstanding course work is six months from your enrolled course end.

  • In the unlikely event that you need to retake a subject you will be entered for the next available assessment date and maybe subject to the current fees which are charged by the examining body plus administration fees. You may be required to attend additional training or refresher days at your own cost to ensure you meet the standards set out by the examining body.

  • Keep the school well informed with any illnesses or barriers to learning. We will endeavour to meet your learning needs but cannot be held liable in any way if LSR is unable to meet your requirements. 

  • Contact the tutor immediately and in writing at the session with any troubles, religious requirements, personality clashes and special needs. Students accept that the school does not hold any responsibility for these. 

  •  You are expected to become members of The Association of Reflexologists on the first day of the course, which costs £36 – paid to the AoR . Your membership gives you area group information and a quarterly journal.

  •  Students will be required to take London School of Reflexology’s appointed persons first aid course which costs £105 unless you have a first aid certificate at the start of the course or live overseas and can take a course in their own country 

  • Our principal reserves the right to assess in the interests of safety of all the appropriate teaching platform to deliver classes which may include a change in venue.



Assessment Malpractice and Maladministration Policy 


To ensure the highest standards and protect the integrity of the qualification and school we have an assessment malpractice policy that applies to those involved in or suspected of malpractice/maladministration matters and are dealt with in a consistent manner.


  1. We endeavour to identify and limit any risk of malpractice by either staff or learners and respond appropriately and objectively to alleged malpractice

  2. Learners will be informed during induction of the school’s policy and penalties on attempted and actual incidences of malpractice and so this can be avoided in the future. 

  3. Learners will be asked to sign a declaration of authenticity to show that their work is their own original work. We will show the best ways to source information, record cited texts and any information sources that are used when carrying out work for portfolio units. Learners will be expected to provide the evidence and acknowledgment of their sources when their work is interpreted from different sources. 

  4. The process of investigation will be documented and any investigation and record of malpractice will be handled fairly and openly in line with standardization and when malpractice is proven appropriate penalties and/or sections will be implemented. 

  5. At the earliest opportunity make the student fully aware of an allegation and investigation into malpractice and the possible consequences if proven and give the student the opportunity to respond to the allegations. If necessary an investigation would be instigated to support a malpractice investigation and would involve the principal and the personnel connected to the allegation. We would inform the student of the ways that they can appeal against judgments made. In cases where malpractice is proven we can choose to apply the following penalties; Ask the student to re-submit the work and where necessary use a modified assignment brief. An automatic failure of the unit. Removal from the qualification.

  6. Once you have started on the group you have been confirmed on you cannot postpone your course for any reason and we do not guarantee available places on future courses if you decide to put your own course on hold.

  7. When a maximum of 3 replacement dates are offered and a student does not attended these dates the school will not offer alternative dates. You are expected to study and meet assessment expectations as commitment to the course is a requirement of continuation of a course.


Here is a list of Malpractice however the list is not exhaustive and the schools discretion must be respected Here is a list of Malpractice however the list is not exhaustive and the school’s discretion must be respected 


Definition of Malpractice for Students 


  • Plagiarism of others work. 

  • Involvement with others to submit the same work that is cited as an individuals own original work. 

  • Deliberate destruction of another’s work 

  • Copying (including the use of ICT to aid copying). 

  • Fabrication of results or evidence. 

  • False declaration of authenticity in relation to the contents of a portfolio or coursework. 

  • Impersonation by pretending to be someone else in order to produce the work for another or arranging for another to take one’s place in an assessment/examination/test. 


Definition of Malpractice by Centre Staff 


  • Inventing or changing marks for internally assessed work (coursework or portfolio evidence) where there is insufficient evidence of the candidates’ achievement to justify the marks given or assessment decisions made. 

  • Inappropriate retention of certificates. 

  • Improper assistance to candidates. 

  • Failure to keep candidate coursework/portfolios of evidence secure. 

  • Producing falsified witness statements, for example for evidence the learner has not generated. Assisting learners in the production of work for assessment, where the support has the potential to influence the outcomes of assessment such as creating a student work. 

  • Falsifying records/certificates, for example by alteration, substitution, or by fraud. 

  • Fraudulent certificate claims, that is claiming for a certificate prior to the learner completing all the requirements of assessment. 

  • Allowing evidence, which is known by the staff member not to be the learner’s own, to be included in a learner’s assignment/task/portfolio/coursework. Facilitating and allowing impersonation. 

  • Misusing the conditions for special learner requirements, as an example where a student is allowed to have support for example a scribe, this is permissible up to the point where the support has the potential to influence the outcome of the assessment. 


This policy will be reviewed every 10 months by the Principal. 



Complaints Handling Policy 


Most of our students are very happy with the service the school offers, however an occasion may occur with an issue and we wish to handle it efficiently and quickly. The course involves a degree of self-study throughout the course for the anatomy examination and a commitment to complete the course work. Your acceptance onto the course will be your commitment to complete course work as and when required by the school and the course cannot be held responsible for not completing course work or not managing self-study and learners are responsible to their own self-study in-between sessions. Examination dates are set at the beginning of the course and may change. If you are unhappy about any aspect of our service, please follow the complaints procedure because we take complaints seriously and have a complaints policy to follow for filing a complaint against the school. 


Making a Complaint 


You should make your complaint in writing or other permeant medium to London School of Reflexology and we will investigate the complaint directly and you will be given a full and prompt reply. We don’t accept anonymous complaints and in order to maintain confidentiality, the London School of Reflexology asks that any complaints be sent by registered mail not by email by the Complainant. The complaint should include the details of the alleged event or events, the full name of the any persons, as well as the date or dates, time, place, and details of the alleged event and registered within six months of the event. 


Receiving the Complaint 


Once we have received the complaint and it is filed within fourteen days the complainant will receive an acknowledgement in writing from the London School of Reflexology. The next stage will be if the complaint is about a member of staff they will be asked to respond within a further fourteen days of receiving the complaint. 


Investigating a Complaint 


The Principal will investigate the complaint and following the investigation, will prepare a report and this investigation process can take an underdetermined amount of time, however generally not more than two months. The Principal will make her formal response or decision within two months of receiving the complaint. 


The Decision 


If a decision is made in favour of the complainant, then any of the following can happen. 


  • All efforts will be taken to resolve the complaint amicably and swiftly

  • Instructions will be given to take other appropriate or formal action as required 


If the Decision is in favour of London School of Reflexology or a member of their team, then any of the following may happen. 


  • The complainant will receive formal notice that no further action will be taken


The complainant and any relevant members of the team will receive a written copy of the decision. 


Appealing the Decision 


If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision that was taken then they must take further action and discuss their case with the relevant body. 



Quality Assurance Processes 


Our quality assurance processes aim to provide our students are at the London School of Reflexology of all our activities and we offer an effective and high-quality education. We make sure that there is an internal mechanism to audit all quality assurance procedures, identify areas for improvement and provide feedback of audit outcomes. The assessment procedure is open, fair and free from bias, and meets the standards of our awarding/accrediting bodies and protects the interests of all learners and the integrity of the qualification. We are aiming to develop the principles of lifelong learning and independent study for our students and to ensure that there are Centre level checks in place. These ensure that we preserve the standards of delivery and quality and assessment that has met approval for which we can deliver qualifications We have in place an internal process that monitors the consistency, quality and the delivery of taught programmes, in order to meet the standards of our awarding/accrediting bodies. We provide and implement a registration and certification policy to allow for claiming valid learner certificates within reasonable timescales and that there is an accurate, accessible and secure audit trail which allows individual learner registration and certification claims to be tracked to the certificate issued for the learner. Our Assessment Policy which is implemented allows for is accurate and detailed recording of assessment decisions and that our assessment methodology is valid, reliable and does not advantage or disadvantage any group of learners or individuals on the course. We provide and implement an appeals policy that standardizes and records any appeal and enables the students right of appeal where appropriate to the awarding body. Students can enquire, question or appeal against an assessment decision and the school will attempt to reach agreement between the learner and the assessor at the earliest opportunity is open, fair and free from bias, and meets the standards of our awarding/accrediting bodies. The London School of Reflexology standardizes and records any investigation of malpractice and provides and implements an assessment malpractice policy that responds to any incident of alleged malpractice objectively identifying and minimizes the risk of malpractice by staff or students. We make sure our malpractice procedure is fair, free from bias and open and meets the standards of our awarding, accrediting bodies. When incidents of malpractice are proved we have the right to enforce suitable sanctions of consequences on staff or students and this is in force to protects the integrity of our awarding, accrediting body and the London School of Reflexology. This policy will be reviewed every 10 months by the Principal. 



Appeals Procedure/Policy 


We have an appeals policy and procedure which will be informed to our students at induction and this procedure can enable a student to enquire, question or appeal against an assessment decision that has been made. This appeals procedure is to help resolve misunderstandings and at the earliest opportunity to attempt to reach agreement between the student and the assessor. It is also in place to standardise and record any appeal to ensure openness and fairness. The appeals procedure also aims to 


  • To facilitate a learner’s ultimate right of appeal to the awarding body, where appropriate. 

  • To protect the interests of all learners and the integrity of the qualification. 


The London School of Reflexology will record, track and validate any appeal and we have a staged appeals process. We will forward that appeal to the awarding body when a learner considers that a decision continues to disadvantage her/him after the internal appeals process has been exhausted. The school monitors an appeal to inform quality improvement. Any appeals records will be kept for inspection by the awarding body for a minimum of 18 months. We will take appropriate action to protect the interests of other learners and the integrity of the qualification, when the outcome of an appeal questions the validity of other results. 


This policy will be reviewed every 12 months by the Principal. 





Assessment Policy 


We aim to ensure that the assessment procedure is open, fair and free from bias and to national standards. We aim to make sure that assessment procedure is reliable, valid, and does not disadvantage or advantage any group of learners or individuals. We aim to guarantee that there is accurate and detailed recording of assessment decisions. 


Assessing Learner Achievement 


Learners are expected to complete and submit course work as and when required in order to complete the course and the school is not responsible for students not submitting work for any reason or not attending classes on any teaching platform for any reason. Learners are expected to be responsible for their own self-study in-between sessions the school cannot be held responsible for this.


A learner’s achievement is based on the presentation of evidence to meet all the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria for a unit. 


Assessment will be carried out through relevant methods, together with the evidence that the learner needs to produce to meet the required standards set within the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria. The assessment will be attached to the evidence supplied by each learner, where appropriate. This is recorded on the appropriate forms. Each assessment activity is approved and signed off by the internal moderator, and all activities will be conducted in line with appropriate current legislation and regulations including health and safety. Students must be fully aware of what is required. 


The assessment will measure underpinning knowledge & understanding or skills development and the demonstration of competence. 


All students will be properly briefed before any assessment so that they know: 


  • what is being assessed; 

  • how it is to be assessed; and 

  • timescales for assessment. 


All students will have been prepared thoroughly prior to assessment. 


Assessment procedures will be carried out within the advised framework and terms and conditions of the validating body



Key Principles of Assessment 


VALID? Does the evidence and theory support the interpretation that the assessment outcomes meet their intended uses? 


CURRENT? If any prior experience of the relevant knowledge/skill is claimed, is this experience sufficiently up-to-date? 


SUFFICIENT? When making assessments, the evidence must be checked carefully against the learning outcomes and assessment criteria to ensure that the standard is sufficient to justify a Pass. 


AUTHENTIC? Students should confirm they are the sole generator of the evidence, if this work was not carried out in the presence of the Assessor, by completing a Declaration of Authenticity and placing it with their evidence. 


Attribution of Evidence 

The evidence produced needs to clearly signpost: 


  • the Tasks a student has been asked to complete; 

  • the Unit(s)/Component(s) to which it refers; 

  • the Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria to which the task relates. 



Assessment Environment 


Any and all assessments must take place in an appropriate environment and one that provides reliable and manageable opportunities that are comparable and fair for all learners. Each learner is responsible to practice and learn the reflexology sequence and this includes when the students don’t have someone to practice on, complete projects within three months of being provided to students and individually learn for the anatomy and physiology examination through self-study from the beginning of the course, and throughout the course. Learners are responsible to their own self-study in-between sessions. Group activities can be set as assessment tasks. It is important in these situations that all students are able to provide evidence that they have individually met the required assessment criteria. 


When assessing performance, witness testimony can be used to confirm the performance of the learner. Assessors must ensure that where witness testimony is used to confirm achievement, the credibility of the witness is confirmed. 


The purpose of internal moderation is: 


  • to assure that the assessment decisions made by assessors are accurate and reliable when interpreting the standards set in unit/s by the learning outcomes and assessment criteria; 

  • to assure the consistency of assessment decisions across assessors; 

  • to address the key principles of consistency, transparency, validity and reliability. 


We are required by ABC to have our own Internal Moderation system in place as an integral part of our overall “Quality Assurance” process. The Internal Moderator is responsible for implementing our Internal Moderation systems. 


The Internal Moderator 


The Internal Moderator must approve and sign off assessment activities and sample assessment decisions made by assessors. This role involves: 


  • supporting programme planning by sampling proposed assessment activities to check that they are meeting the relevant Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria and that the activities are appropriate for students; 

  • supporting assessors on a regular basis through sampling, giving feedback on assessment setting and assessment decisions. 

  • ensuring assessments are conducted and assessed both accurately and consistently across units and assessors; 

  • planning, in consultation with assessors, the sampling process to include all assessors and a full range of assessment decisions e.g. assessment of performance, assessment of knowledge and understanding; 

  • ensuring effective recording of learner achievement – maintaining up to date records; 

  • ensuring security of assessment materials and evidence during the Internal Moderation process; 

  • sampling of final portfolios prior to external moderation and claiming certification; 

  • ensuring that any actions required by ABC are carried out to agreed timescales. 


Internal Moderation is an ongoing activity, not just at the end of a programme of learning and assessment. Assessors will be provided with support regarding their assessment practice throughout to ensure accuracy and consistency. The internal Moderator will observe an assessor carrying out assessments from time to time. This is particularly appropriate where students are required to demonstrate performance of skills to the standard required in the unit. The assessor team must have a common understanding of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria, and what is required from students in order to meet them. This is called 'standardisation'. 




The sample must include evidence from both the full range of units and across all assessors. The sample should be at least 10% of the total number of learners or a minimum of 6. 


  • This sample would be increased in the following circumstances: 

  • new qualifications have been introduced; 

  • there are new assessors; 

  • new resources have been introduced; 

  • new methods of assessment have been introduced 

  • Decision by the principal 



The Internal Moderator must be supported by the Principal, to: 


  • ensure internal moderators receive an appropriate induction to the centre’s IQA requirements and all necessary documentation. 

  • ensure that appropriate resources are available to carry out assessments and internal moderation activities in a safe, secure environment. 

  • facilitate structured meetings to ensure quality and consistency of practice within the school and across delivery locations, encouraging discussion and contribution to the assessment process; 

  • advise on the provision of special arrangements for learners with special assessment requirements to ensure that all learners have access to assessment without diminishing the rigor or validity of the assessment process; 

  • carry out observations, as appropriate, using feedback to inform future continuing professional development (CPD); 

  • ensure appropriate induction and learner support is available; 

  • deal with complaints and appeals from learners, assessors and internal moderators. 



Tracking and Recording Documents 


It is important that the Internal Moderation process is tracked and recorded, so that ABC’s External Moderator can see evidence of the process. 


In order to do this, the London School of Reflexology will: 


  • Develop assessment procedures that will minimize the opportunity for malpractice 

  • Make sure that learners are provided with assignments that are fit for purpose, to enable them to produce appropriate evidence for assessment 

  • assess learner’s evidence using the published assessment and grading criteria 

  • ensure that assessment decisions are reliable, impartial and valid. 

  • not limit or ‘cap’ learner achievement if work is submitted late 

  • maintain accurate and detailed records of assessment decisions 

  • maintain a robust and rigorous internal verification procedure 

  • provide samples for Standards Verification as required by the awarding body

  • monitor standards verification reports and undertake any remedial action required 

  • share good assessment practice between all ABC, ITEC, VTCT or other awarding/accrediting body development teams 

  • ensure that ABC or other awarding/accrediting body assessment procedure and the role of the assessor are understood by all tutors and staff 

  • provide resources to ensure that assessment can be performed accurately and appropriately. 


This policy will be reviewed every 10 months by the Principal. 



Reasonable Adjustment & Special Consideration Policy 


Policy Statement 


At the London School of Reflexology, we aim to facilitate open access to vocational qualifications for learners who are eligible for reasonable adjustment and or special consideration in assessments, without compromising the assessment of the skills, knowledge, understanding or competence being measured. This will be achieved through: 


Reasonable Adjustment 


This is agreed at the pre-assessment planning stage and is any action that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty, which places the learner at a substantial disadvantage in the assessment situation. Reasonable adjustments must not, however, affect the reliability or validity of assessment outcomes, nor must they give the learner an assessment advantage over other learners undertaking the same or similar assessments. 


London School of Reflexology are able to make a decision on any requests for reasonable adjustment if it is submitted through a written request by the learner and supported with the relevant documentation and at the Principals discretion. 


Equal Opportunities Policy 


We have a policy of treating all employees, learners and job applicants equally and they will receive equal treatment and consideration. We appoint, train, develop and promote on the basis of merit and ability and all our staff have a personal responsibly for the practical application of our equal opportunity policy. 


We do not prejudice on the grounds of color, nationality, sexual orientation, age, religion, race, sex, disability, ethnic origin, marital or civil partnership status, or belief or will be disadvantaged by any conditions of employment or requirements that cannot be justified as necessary on operational grounds. These principles apply equally to all employees and learners. There should be no discrimination on the basis of disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, age, religion or belief. Any employee who is found to have committed an act of unlawful discrimination (be it against another member of staff or learner) may face disciplinary action. Harassment or bullying on the grounds of disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, age, religion, belief or for any other reason will be treated as gross misconduct. Harassment is any unwanted conduct which violates another's dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for another person or is intended to have one of those effects. The application of this policy will be reviewed annually by the Principal. 






GDPR is bringing in new legal protection for personal information from May 2018. This tells you what personal information I gather via my website, and why, and what your rights are. 


London School of Reflexology 

13 Brookfield Mansions, Highgate West Hill, London N6 6AS 

020 7691 0793 

Data Controller Contact Details: Louise Keet 



The Purpose of processing Student Data 


We hold and use student data in order to provide you with the best possible learning experience, support and advice. 


We take basic contact details and information via my website to allow us to contact you and handle course bookings. 



Lawful Basis for holding and using case study Information 


As a full member of the Association of Reflexologists, I abide by the AoR Code of Practice and Ethics. The lawful basis under which I hold and use your information is my legitimate interests requirement to retain the information in order to provide you with the most appropriate training, follow up support, and advice 


If you submit case studies as part of your reflexology training course, these will include health related information and in this instance my requirement is to hold this information until I cease to offer training courses or for five years after you have attended my course (as required by my insurance), as this information may be required in the event of an insurance claim made in relation to your training 


You are required to get signed privacy statements from any person you keep records on, including case studies. You will be required to submit a copy of this privacy statement along with any case study submitted to your tutor. 


As I may hold special category data (i.e. health related information) about you, the Additional Condition under which I hold and use this information is for me to fulfil my role as a Reflexology trainer bound under the AoR Confidentiality as defined in the AoR Code of Practice and Ethics. 



What information I hold and what I do with it 


In order to give professional learning opportunities and follow up support to students the following information will be held: 


  • Your contact details 

  • Case studies submitted (if relevant) 

  • Copies of certificates issued and records of students’ progress. 


I will NOT share your information with anyone else (other than with: 


  • Appointed course tutors 

  • An internal verifier 

  • An external verifier (normally someone from the Awarding Body) 

  • The Awarding body 

  • The Association of Reflexologists (if required for quality verification purposes), or as required for legal process, or on your request to confirm that you have completed my course satisfactorily) without explaining why it is necessary, and getting your explicit consent. 


I may contact you using the contact preferences you give me in relation to: 


  • Providing you with additional supporting material for the course 

  • Reflexology information or information related to health 

  • Future training events, special offers and


Your data will not be transferred outside the EU without your consent. Your personal contact details may be shared with the Association of Reflexologists (AoR) on completion of your course. The AoR may contact you to ask you to provide them with feedback on the course. This is part of the criteria for AoR CPD approval. The AoR will only keep your information for 6 months and will only contact you in regards to feedback. 


How Long I Retain Your Information for 


I will keep your personal information for seven years 


Protecting Your Personal Data 


I am committed to ensuring that your personal data is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, I have put in place appropriate technical, physical and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you. 


Your Rights 


GDPR gives you the following rights: 


  • The right to be informed: To know how your information will be held and used (this notice). 

  • The right of access: To see your tutor’s records of your personal information, so you know what is held about you and can verify it. 

  • The right to rectification: To tell your tutor to make changes to your personal information if it is incorrect or incomplete. 

  • The right to erasure (also called “the right to be forgotten”): For you to request your tutor to erase any information they hold about you 

  • The right to restrict processing of personal data: You have the right to request limits on how your tutor uses your personal information 

  • The right to data portability: under certain circumstances you can request a copy of personal information held electronically so you can reuse it in other systems. 

  • The right to object: To be able to tell your tutor you don’t want them to use certain parts of your information, or only to use it for certain purposes. 

  • Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling. 

  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office: To be able to complain to the ICO if you feel your details are not correct, if they are not being used in a way that you have given permission for, or if they are being stored when they don’t have to be.


Full details of your rights can be found at


If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please use the contact details given above. 



Our QCF ITEC and Awarding Body Consortium Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology is a vocational qualification held at Regents University, Regents Park, London NW1.




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